Multiplayer is key

Aug 13, 2009 19:01 GMT  ·  By

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was one of the most popular titles to appear on the PlayStation 3 console in quite some time. It offered a great adventure, shaped mostly like a classic Indiana Jones movie, and fans really appreciated the great single player experience.

Now, the second game, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, will tell an even greater story regarding Nathan Drake and his companions. In addition to the first title, it will also feature a multiplayer mode that will certainly make hardcore gamers spend more time with Drake.

Further contributing to this was a multiplayer demo that was included with every copy of inFamous, another PS3 exclusive that appeared at the beginning of summer. But this made fans eager about the possibility of a single player experience, where things wouldn't be so hectic and they would have caught a glimpse of the action included in the game.

Too bad that's not going to happen, as the creative director of the game, Amy Hennig, revealed, “It's always tough to do a single-player demo. You can always argue whether it benefits you or not in the long run, because so much of it depends on you understanding where you are in the narrative, and then appreciating what's going on in the single-player demo.”

She was backed by Evan Wells, co-president of Naughty Dog, which is developing the title, who revealed that this would be a very long experience: “Not to mention that it's a 12-15 hour experience and you have to somehow collapse that into 15 minutes. I mean, we have something like hundreds of moves to train you over several hours, and if you just drop somebody into the fire…”

But they both agreed that in the full game the single player experience would certainly impact a lot of gamers, as it will contain 90 minutes of cinematics, as opposed to the first one's 50 minutes. “It's literally a feature-length film,” Hennig said, “with fully-fleshed out multiplayer and co-op experiences.”

Uncharted 2 is coming together quite nicely, and will definitely deliver some top-notch single and multiplayer experience for any type of gamer.