Training Mode Fight Request and a better offline experience are some of the new features

May 4, 2014 00:49 GMT  ·  By

Capcom decided to expand a little on the upcoming additions in the Ultra Street Fighter 4 upgrade to their popular fighting game Street Fighter 4, in order to give players a clearer picture of what’s coming.

Capcom’s UK Community Manager David Hinds revealed what Training Mode Fight Request, Offline Battle Log and Upload to YouTube features will do in order to improve the fighting game’s players’ experience, over on the Capcom Unity blog.

Training Mode Fight Request allows players to go into practice mode while waiting for fight requests, streamlining the entire experience. The way fight requests currently work is a bit of a hassle, as you have to either sit in a lobby or play Arcade Mode while waiting. The introduction of Training Mode Fight Request will allow users to warm up before taking on the competition.

The Offline Battle Log is another anticipated addition to the Street Fighter 4 experience, allowing players to archive offline matches so that they can be viewed later. The way this currently works is that only matches that take place online can be stored for later viewing.

Ultra Street Fighter 4 is also expanding the playable character roster, adding five more brawlers to the list of toons. Most players will be familiar with the newcomers, Rolento, Hugo, Poison and Elena, from former Capcom games in the series, but the company has also prepared a nice surprise, in the form of an entirely new character.

Decapre is a new fighter that makes its debut in Ultra Street Fighter 4, one of M. Bison’s dolls, designed to be easy to control and friendly to newer players, but having the potential for master brawlers to guide her to the top of the leaderboards.

In addition to being entirely new, she also comes with an ability unique to the game, being the only character able to combo her air throws with regular moves.

The Upload to YouTube feature will allow players to upload footage of their offline matches, in addition to their online ones, making it easier than ever to upload something cool that you did, whether it took place online or offline.

Ultra Street Fighter 4 is already out in Japanese arcades, and will also be released on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 home entertainment systems in June, with the PC version coming out later on, in August. The game will be available in both digital download as well as physical retail editions.