Sometime chance has a way of creating the most amazing things possible

Aug 11, 2014 07:14 GMT  ·  By

The Renaissance was a great cultural movement which brought about a period of spectacular scientific revolution and artistic transformation, setting the stage for the modern European epoch.

A common practice in Renaissance art was to use the “Golden Ratio” which is to say artists arranged elements in their paintings in the biologically pleasing way.

An apt example of such practice would be Michelangelo’s depiction of Adam touching God’s finger, painted on the roof of the Sistine Chapel.

To achieve this end, artists often had to use a caliper of a gauge (check out the pictures in the gallery to see what we mean).

Anyway, in the modern era it sometimes happens that a photographer snaps an accidental image and the results are quite astounding.

It’s the case of this picture taken in the Ukrainian parliament, where politician fights have become a customary depiction of what goes on in the country’s legislative. And by virtue of faith this image depicting one such act looks like it just stepped out of the Renaissance era, complete with Golden Ratio and everything.

The harmonious photograph has been originally discovered and posted on Facebook by Manzil Lajura. A second versions showing the image shows the photo complies to Renaissance standards.

The photo has a Fibonacci spiral laid on top of the Ukrainian altercation with three hands on the people involved aligned in perfect position with the primary dividing line at the golden ratio of its height of the image.

The head of one participant can be considered the focal point of the Fibonacci spiral, while the head of another was placed towards the end of the arc.

With careful examination, those with a keen eye will also notice that these aren't the only golden ratio-related proportions that add to the exquisite nature of this photograph.

For example, the three hands in the middle follow the horizontal golden ration line. The two hands of the men fighting at the bottom are positioned at all four golden ration points of the vertical lines.

The blue coat is aligned with the horizontal line, while the right hand is aligned with the vertical line.

This is chance Renaissance art at its finest, where symmetry and divine perfection rule supreme. It’s no wonder the photograph has been framed to resemble a real work of art.

As for the fight in the Ukrainian parliament, the politicians were surely not trying to pose for any aesthetic movement, but chance took over and delivered this amazing piece of photography. The universe works in mysterious way.

Image showing the Golden Ratio in the Ukrainian fight
Image showing the Golden Ratio in the Ukrainian fight

Photo Gallery (5 Images)

Excellent example of the Golden Ratio use
A tool (caliper) used in the Golden Ratio techniqueA gauge used for the Golden Ratio