An Anonymous supporter was behind the unauthorized access

Jan 24, 2012 10:34 GMT  ·  By

A YouTube video reveals that the Twitter account of US Senator Chuck Grassley has been overtaken by an Anonymous supporter who started posting anti-SOPA messages.

“Well, its been fun getting Chuck's account this week, so I better get off. I got nothing better to do since we got a snow day here in Osage,” said the hacker.

He even made fun of the senator, who is known to post messages full of typos and grammar errors, but the most important message he wrote was the one against the controversial SOPA.

“Dear Iowans, vote against ACTA, SOPA, and PIPA, because this man, Chuck Grassley, wants YOUR internet censored and all of that BS,” read one of the tweets.

After his account’s password was changed, Grassley acknowledged the breach.

“FYI my Twitter acct no longer compromised. Tweets not mine have been deleted,” the senator said.