Pirates 1-Games publishers 0

Oct 4, 2006 09:46 GMT  ·  By

Square Enix, Final Fantasy's developer announced that the latest version of the classic RPG will be released in North America on October 31, 2006. A Final Fantasy XII Collector's Edition will also be available. The special edition will be made up of a DVD presenting promotion trailers, art galleries, interviews with developers and coverage of the Final Fantasy franchise.

That all sounds good, so good that US pirates thought to surprise the Final Fantasy fans by bringing a leaked copy of Final Fantasy XII to torrent sites. The news spread fast in the gaming community and thousands rushed to download the files before Square Enix representatives became aware of their existence.

Starting with the first Final Fantasy game, the epic series registered a large success in the gaming community. The series has reached its latest edition with the launch of FF XII. The surreal world of Ivalice, which may sound familiar as it was already featured in the Final Fantasy Tactics game is the location for Final Fantasy XII. The main story consists of Ashe's - princess of Dalmasca - fight to bring back the Dalmasca Kingdom to the people. She plans to do so by organizing a resistance to fight Arcadia.

The storyline seems not to disappoint FF fans as it will be full of conflicts, twists and turns.