The component will be installed on tanks and armored vehicles

Feb 29, 2012 18:31 GMT  ·  By
Future, self-healing tanks need to be compatible with existing vehicles, the NSWC announces
   Future, self-healing tanks need to be compatible with existing vehicles, the NSWC announces

In a bid to increase the survivability of vehicles on the battlefield, the US military is currently issuing a call for proposals on how to develop a self-sealing fuel tank. The US Naval Surface Warfare Center wants to prevent armored vehicles and tanks from falling prey to improvised explosive devices (IED).

These makeshift bombs damaged or destroyed numerous vehicles in Iraq and Afghanistan, and fuel tanks proved to be an excellent target for the enemy. What the NSWC wants is a fuel tank that is capable of stopping fuel leaks and extinguishing any fires that may engulf it.

The tanks also need to be able to withstand the effects of armor-piercing bullets and small explosions. They must also survive even if engulfed in burning fuel. The components need to be compatible with existing vehicles, such as Humvees and Strykers, LiveScience reports.

When prototypes become available, they will be tested at the Army Research Laboratory in Aberdeen, Maryland. This should prove interesting, I think. Keep an eye on this space for more details.