Other structures can be seen surrounding the hexagon base

Oct 24, 2012 09:26 GMT  ·  By

UFO researcher Scott C. Waring has published this clip of what he believes are a series of alien bases on the surface of the moon, pointing out one specific hexagon-shaped facility which he believes is the HQ.

According to the Australian International Business Times, Waring found the hexagon base in a frame showing a small lunar crater.

"One is some structures inside a crater, another is a starfish-like building and another a wide tower with a crown and an opening like a door on a massive scale. Clearly there are more structures to be found in this lunar photo," Waring wrote.

The belief that there is extraterrestrial life on the surface of the Earth's natural satellite stems back to the first human landing on the moon, and has even been referenced in the first episode of X-files.