Alex Ionescu will hold both trainings, one in April, the other in June

Mar 26, 2012 14:48 GMT  ·  By

Redmond-based software giant Microsoft is gearing up for the release of its next-generation operating system, Windows 8, the first version to feature optimizations for the touchscreen displays of tablet PCs.

The platform is expected to become available for the general public sometime in October but, before that happens, developers and engineers can learn more on the platform courtesy of a series of events that the company is planning for them.

Called Windows Internals for Reverse Engineers, two of these events will take place in April and June, respectively.

[ADMARk=1]The first of them, SyScan'12 Singapore Training, is set for 23 - 25 April 2012. Alex Ionescu, coauthor of Windows Internals 5th edition and currently working on the 6th Edition, will speak at the event.

Attendees will be able to “learn the internals of the Windows NT kernel architecture, including Windows 8 and Server 2010, and how rootkits and other kernel-mode malware exploit the various system functionalities, mechanisms and data structures to do their dirty work.”

They will also have the chance to “learn how drivers operate and how they can be subject to attack from user-mode callers to elevate their privileges.”

All those who will attend the event will receive a copy of Windows Internals, 6th Edition. Additional info on the event can be found on this page at SyScan.

Those who won’t be able to attend this event will get the chance to learn more on what Alex Ionescu has to say on the matter at the second Windows Internals for Reverse Engineers event, planned for the first half of this year, at Recon 2012.

The event will be held at Hyatt Regency in Montreal between June 14 and 16, 2012. Training for the event will be held between June 11 and 13.

The Recon 2012 conference is focused on Security and is being held each and every year in Montreal, Canada. Additional info on the Windows Internals for Reverse Engineers by Alex Ionescu training can be found on this page.