Veterinarians say the pig is unlikely to make it to adulthood

Apr 13, 2013 04:52 GMT  ·  By

People sure seem to enjoy gazing upon Mother Nature's weirdest creations, which is probably why the news that one two-headed pig was recently born in a village in China's Jiangxi province is now making headlines.

Apparently, the animal has two snouts, two ears and just one eye, hence its being referred to by some (OK, almost everybody) as a cyclops pig.

Daily Mail says that the official name for the pig's condition if polycephaly (or axial bifurcation, if you prefer).

For those who don't speak science, this means that the pig's two heads are the result of one embryo's trying to split into twins and failing to completely do so after having already gone through some stages of the process.

The veterinarians who have had the opportunity of closely analyzing its peculiar anatomy say that, because of its deformities, the pig is unlikely to make it to adulthood.

Still, the people living in the village where this pig was born say that they are willing to give it a chance at overcoming its condition, meaning that they are not planning to kill it for its meat.

The picture above shows one other two-headed pig born in China some time ago. Check out a picture of the cyclops pig now causing quite a media stir here.