Oct 27, 2010 08:18 GMT  ·  By

Stardock, the publisher of Sins of a Solar Empire and developer of Galactic Civilizations II, has announced that the first two expansion for its Elemental: War of Magic turn based strategy title will be offered for free to all those that buy the title before October 31, with the beta stage for version 1.1 approaching launch date.

Brad Wardell, who is the Chief Executive Officer of Stardock, has posted a new screenshot of the overhauled interface on the official forums, adding “Game company releases game. They put out a series of bug fix patches for a bit and then they move on until it’s time to get you to buy an expansion pack or two until it’s time to do a sequel. If the initial game gets panned or negative reviews, it’s typically abandoned.”

He goes on to say that his company would not adopt this model and will work on Elemental for some time, in order to make the game playable and enjoyable for all those who put their trust in Stardock.

Wardell added, “Until the end of THIS MONTH (October 31), anyone who purchase Elemental: War of Magic, will get the first two expansions for the game for free (as well as our normal long-term support for the game itself).”

After Elemental was released to mostly negative reviews the company said that it planned to stand by its game and bring the best out of the experience, with the first expansion being offered for free to all those who had bought the game on launch or pre ordered.

Elemental is an ambitious project, aiming to deliver a world where might and magic coexist and the player controls powerful heroes that can channel impressive magic that can reshape the world.

Unfortunately the initial release had bugs and some game mechanics, like magic and unit grouping, were not working as intended.