The man is confident about the upcoming success

May 14, 2015 08:06 GMT  ·  By

Being a multimillionaire and a major shareholder does not cut the mustard for one of Twitter’s founders as he tries to make his way back on the market with a brand-new update to the app meant to blow people minds away.

Biz Stone seems determined to come out of the shade with what he sees as a significant change to the Super app he launched about five months ago. The sudden change of direction is also an attempt to take people’s minds away from the fact that he has already released another app called Jelly which did not even manage to come close to the Twitter phenomenon.

To prove that he still got it, Biz Stone changed direction to concentrate on his recently launched app which is meant to help people share opinions. And for those wondering what the name of the app has to do with the purpose for which it was created, they are, in fact, entirely unrelated. The creator came up with this name because he wanted to illustrate the way he felt about his latest project, and he felt super about it.

The upgrade will change people's opinions about the app

Because the app was not even half as successful as they had anticipated that it would be, the Twitter cofounder decided it was time to come up with a radical improvement which would make people think twice before criticizing his product.

According to an article published in LA Times, the upgrade consists in the possibility to select and post the faces of people who are already using the app, or face tagging, if you like.

It remains to be seen if this was indeed the missing link and if the new update will manage to entice more users, just as the founder purports.

Unlike Jelly, the first app that failed to meet expectations and soon fell off the radar, "Super is more about expressing yourself with an emotional bent," Stone says.

Although fully aware of the negative feedback that he received from people who were probably expecting more from the man who had contributed to the Twitter sensation, Biz Stone is confident that the app will gradually grow on people and that it will raise in popularity as soon as it manages to surpass this incipient phase.