Fans go all the way to show their loyalty

Sep 7, 2009 18:11 GMT  ·  By
Fans take their love of Twilight one step further by having it permanently tattooed on their skin
   Fans take their love of Twilight one step further by having it permanently tattooed on their skin

“The Twilight Saga” is not only the new, eternal love story, or new evidence that the century-old myth of love conquering all obstacles and surviving all adversities still stands. For many true fans, “Twilight” is a way of life and, as such, there is nothing better (and more permanent, one might add) than a theme tattoo. The Twilight theme now ranks in the number 5 themes at tattoo parlors in Los Angeles, the Examiner says.

Fans would do anything to have something with them from the Twilight universe, which includes, so far, the four books by Stephenie Meyer, one long-feature film released and another one coming soon. There is, of course, also merchandise – anything from chains and bracelets to T-shirts and chocolate bars. As of late, tattoo artists have added another Twilight item to the ever-increasing pile: Twilight-themed tats.

“Got ink? Twilight Movie Tattoos are the latest rage prior to the ‘Twilight Saga New Moon’ Movie. A Robert Pattinson Face. Twilight symbols and words spoken by characters to display devote loyalty to this Movie Series. Tattoo parlors around the Los Angeles area have indicated Twilight is one of the top five themes being inked in preparation for the ‘Twilight Movie New Moon.’” the Examiner writes. Anything from the covers of the books to the words Edward and Bella speak to each other and their faces goes with fans.

However, the above-mentioned publication says, those who do get this kind of ink are not by any means people who already have had some kind of work done. They are all newbies, diehard fans who just want to show their loyalty to the franchise and can think of no other way to do so. Because of this, they should think twice before going into the first tattoo parlor they come across, or at least consider a few aspects more thoroughly, like where they want the tat done, how large they want it to be, how much money they have to spend and, last but not least, how much pain they’re willing to endure to get it.

As the Examiner puts it, Twilight tattoos don’t come cheap. “Now the Twilight tattoos aren’t going on people who usually wear tattoos (and we all know someone who wears a tattoo because it fits their personality.) The ink is being put on Twilight fans who are getting a tattoo for the first time to show their loyalty to the movies. Plus the cost[s] of these cuties are anywhere from $70 for an inch to the hundreds for a full color ink spread.” the publication points out.