A testament to man's ability to pull something good out of anything, even heavy drinking

Feb 10, 2014 10:00 GMT  ·  By

Scattered empty bottles aren't usually good for much, except to lie around as an indicator of how drunk one may have got the previous night. Sure, they can be recycled, or used to store more wine, ale or whatever else, but that only leads to the cycle repeating itself.

But there's always someone with a weird idea just itching to be put into practice, and if a 3D printer could be turned into a hockey player, then you can be sure wine bottles can become something oddly useful as well.

So here we are, gazing upon the oddest cork ever made. Qualifying as such because it's not really a cork at all.

Well, it is, but it isn't meant to prevent the wine or spirits within a bottle from spilling. Instead, it turns the bottles into lamps.

That's right, the corks are actually LED bulbs that grant your bottles a whole new purpose in life. Or is it death? Anyway, it grants them a new purpose, that of casting light upon your surroundings.

Good for making a backyard or pool party interesting if nothing else. Uncanny decorations always win a crowd over. Just make sure the bottles are washed and clear first.

So how do the things work, you might ask? Made by SuckUK, they are USB-connected LED bulbs that plug into a cork top. The top is the only reason they can even be called corks in the first place really.

There's nothing technological about the cap though. The tech part is all in the white cone, namely the white LED and activation mechanism. And the battery, can't forget the battery.

The USB port exists only so that you can connect the thing to a computer, or portable battery cap or anything with a USB input, or plain old AC adapters for that matter.

A single battery charge will last for two and a half hours (it takes an hour to fill up the charge from a port). The LED corks cost $15 / €11 - €15 a piece.

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LED corkLED cork
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