The footage was shot three days before the bombing

Jun 1, 2013 07:56 GMT  ·  By

A video showing Boston marathon suspects, the Tsarnaev brothers, working out before the bombings has been sold by a gym in Allston.

The gym footage has been captured 72 hours before the April 15 attacks, the Boston Harald writes. It shows the brothers talking to staff at the gym and boxing.

Owners at the Wai Kru gym also had in their possession boxing trophies belonging to Tamerlan Tsarnaev and a sweatshirt from a Golden Gloves competition. They have thrown them out in a bid to dissociate themselves from the Chechen bomber.

Proceeds from the video transaction will help them continue a youth program. They let high-school students train there for free from 3 to 5 p.m. Tsarnaev was also allowed time at the gym at no charge.

Dzhokhar has told his mother over the phone that he is innocent, citing a conspiracy that his brother was a victim of.