For a warrior's cocktail

Nov 17, 2008 22:01 GMT  ·  By

Ice trays in the most uncanny shapes are one (proper) cool thing almost anyone has in the kitchen and uses every now and then when groups of partying friends gather around. Now, it looks like themed ice trays haven't disappeared from the shelves – and encountering the following one was a pleasant and fun surprise. We're talking about an ice tray shaped like the magazine of the world-famous Kalashnikov AK47 assault rifle and whose natural product is – obviously – icicles shaped like the AK47 bullets.


It's true that some guys could find this disturbing and most inappropriate, due to the symbolic representation of war traditionally associated with bullets; yet, there is nothing dangerous here, only fun.


Now, you must admit that people who love airsoft or paintball should be rather fond of these ice trays, because of their military resemblance. And having a glass full of ice bullets as you pour some juice or spirits over them looks very, very attractive, especially during hot summer days. The tray looks pretty much like the real-life Kalashnikov magazine, sporting the same curved profile; however, despite boasting generous dimensions, it isn't able to produce but 12 ice bullets at a charge, far less than the 30-round capacity of the real-life magazine.


Nevertheless, it seems like the bullet dimensions are close to those of the real ones (7.62 mm x 39 mm) and this adds to the overall artistic impression. If you plan to throw a bigger military-themed party it might prove that the AK47 Bullet Ice Tray isn't capable to offer the desired efficiency (unlike its real-life counterpart) and you need a lot of ice magazines and a generously-spaced freezer.


The AK47 Bullet Ice Tray is available for around $10 a piece (bar wars don't come any cheaper) and its product is just perfect for some shots, if you get the spirits. Proper spirits.


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How about some 7.62 rounds of ice for your scotch?
The AK47 Bullet Ice Tray has a sensibly lower capacity than the real-life counterpart.
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