Indulge your cravings, but don’t overdo it

Aug 25, 2009 17:31 GMT  ·  By
Carly Zucker says treating yourself daily to something sweet is the best way to keep cravings under control
   Carly Zucker says treating yourself daily to something sweet is the best way to keep cravings under control

Carly Zucker, personal trainer with a solid reputation in the UK and, most recently, wife of Chelsea footballer Joe Cole, is in enviable shape yet not stick thin. Quite on the contrary, Carly is believed to have the body any woman would literally kill for, curvy yet perfectly toned. One of her biggest secrets to get it is treating herself to something sweet once a day, as she reveals in a new interview with Britain’s Mirror newspaper.

The personal trainer says that, aside from mixing up the routine and even changing it altogether every once in a while to prevent boredom from creeping in, she has also learned from past mistakes that denying her cravings is the safest way to ensure that she gives in to them. Life is more fun and sticking to a diet is easier if she has something to wait for, like a reward at a certain moment in the day. This is why at noon she treats herself to something sweet, Zucker tells the Mirror.

“I like to have a treat every day! It might be an almond croissant, a piece of chocolate or a cappuccino. If you don’t allow yourself treats, life is just miserable! Having something you enjoy in moderation makes you less likely to binge on junk and you’ll feel more motivated to stick to eating healthily and exercising the rest of the time. Just don’t overdo it.” the trainer explains for the aforementioned publication.

As for the diet in itself, Zucker adds she was never the one to take up a fad diet just because others around her were also into it. While she can lose and gain weight without straining too much, the star reveals she likes to pay attention to what she eats only in terms of not stuffing herself with unhealthy food. She works out three times a week and likes to walk and hike a lot, so that helps her keep the pounds off without starving herself or keeping too close a tab on her meals. She calls her method “eating smart” instead of being on a diet.

“I try to eat natural foods rather than processed foods that contain lots of nasties like saturated fat, salt, sugar and additives. I’m not a fan of faddy diets either and believe it’s important to eat protein, carbs and fats all together in one meal – I know it keeps me more satisfied. It’s also vital to eat before you get too hungry, which isn’t easy if you’re busy or out and about. But if you get beyond hunger, that’s when you binge. I know I’ll eat two chocolate bars because I need to get food into my body quickly. You end up consuming twice the amount because you’re so hungry.” Carly further explains.