Martin was dressed the same as other young black men breaking the law

Jul 18, 2013 06:59 GMT  ·  By

Columnist Richard Cohen believes that George Zimmerman is guilty of racial profiling in the Trayvon Martin case, but he thinks that it “understandable” for him to feel that way.

The hoodie is "worn by a whole lot of thugs. Look in the newspapers, online or on television: you see a lot of guys in the mugshots wearing hoodies," Cohen says.

In an interview with Politico, he dubs it a thugs' uniform that immediately spurs panic. He further defends Zimmerman from racism claims, as he believes that thinking Martin is dangerous because of his hoodie is not a crime.

Cohen notes that he was accused of racism before himself, when he posted a controversial statement about jewelry store owners being right not to allow young black men inside.