The can's designers says that it solves two problems: food waste and hungry strays

Dec 6, 2013 23:46 GMT  ·  By
Innovative trash can promises to feed stray animals, solve the food waste problem
   Innovative trash can promises to feed stray animals, solve the food waste problem

An innovative trash can developed by Professor Bao Haimo and his colleagues promises to solve two problems that major urban areas are more often than not faced with: hungry stray animals and food waste.

The Animal-Friendly Trash Can, pictured above, doubles as an all-you-can-eat buffet for strays.

According to Grist, people are supposed to put run-off-the-mill trash in the can's inner chamber, and leftovers in a special pull-out tray conveniently placed at the can's bottom.

The actual trash is eventually collected and sent to landfills, whereas the food gets eaten by whatever stray animals chance to pass by the can and figure out that it might not be such a bad idea to hang around for a while.

The important thing to remember is that not all foods are suitable for cats, dogs and the like, regardless of how yummy people think them to be. So no cookies, chocolate or Brussels sprouts.