The Android port for HP's tablet PC is work in progress

Sep 7, 2011 21:21 GMT  ·  By

HP has announced the death of webOS phones and TouchPad, but enthusiasts have already found a way to resurrect the latter, through installing Android on it.

We already had the chance to have a look at an Android port for the TouchPad a few weeks ago, but things were only incipient at that time, and many functions of the device were not working.

However, things evolved in the meantime, and additional functionality was added to the said Android port.

At the moment, Team-Touchdroid has got full 10-point multitouch working on the tablet PC, after successfully putting the Gingerbread build on it.

Of course, this does not mean that the software will be ready for prime time as soon as tomorrow, but it does show that progress is being made.

Soon, the port will add more features into the mix, and users will even have the chance to download and install the first ROM on their own devices.

For the time being, you can have a look at how things have evolved through the first video embedded at the bottom of this article.

The project will be moving on, but there is no telling on how long it will take before the TouchPad will be able to run smoothly under Android.

In the meantime, you should also have a look at the second video below, which shows the HP device enjoying dual-boot, with both the webOS and the Android platform loaded on it.

The fact that Android is coming to the TouchPad comes as great news for all those who purchased the device, or plan on purchasing it.

HP has just announced that they will be producing a new set of TouchPads, so as to meet demand for it, but that the tablet PC will go six feet under as soon as the new wave of devices is sold. Keep an eye on this space for more. (via liliputing and rootzwiki)