Nov 22, 2010 09:43 GMT  ·  By
Bing Visual Search Gallery for Windows Phone 7 apps now enhanced with Microsoft Tag
   Bing Visual Search Gallery for Windows Phone 7 apps now enhanced with Microsoft Tag

After using Microsoft Tag to enhance the iPhone app search experience via Bing, the Redmond company is also allowing Windows Phone 7 users to leverage its unique barcode technology in order to simplify the process of discovering the top applications for WP7 devices.

Last week the software giant announced the availability of the Bing Visual Search Gallery for Windows Phone 7 apps.

Essentially, Bing Visual Search Gallery Beta enables users to quickly search and browse through a collection of the best Windows Phone 7 apps available on the platform’s Marketplace.

The experience is by no means unique to WP7. In fact, owners of Apple iPhones have already been able to take advantage of Bing Visual Search in order to find the top free, paid, newest, most downloaded, etc. apps for iOS.

In addition, the Bing Visual Search Gallery for iPhone apps also featured integration with Microsoft Tag, considerably simplifying the download and install process of apps, once discovered through Bing Visual Search.

Microsoft Tag can also be used by owners of Windows Phone 7 devices in the context of apps featured on the Bing Visual Search Gallery.

Once users discover a specific app they might want on their WP7 handset, all they need to do is fire up the Microsoft Tag client on their phone, point the camera to the tag associated with the application, and the technology will do the rest for them.

They won’t need to copy any URLs, to push any additional buttons, or to perform other actions with their phone.

However, users must first visit the Microsoft Tag Reader site, download and install the mobile client on their WP7 phone.

But since the site in question will redirect them to the Marketplace, they can just head over there first. The Windows Phone 7 Tag application has been live on the Marketplace since earlier this month.