Avoid temptation and prevent overeating

May 3, 2010 18:31 GMT  ·  By

They say dieting is not a viable option in the long run, so we should all strive to make healthy eating a lifestyle choice. The best diet is the one where you only eat when you’re hungry, they also say, because eating when you’re not hungry leads to considerable weight gain. According to FitSugar, there are several factors that influence your eating habits – and this also includes whether you eat when you don’t feel the need to.

The more the merrier, FitSugar says of large dinner parties: the worst idea in terms of weight control is to sit down at the table with a large company. Studies have shown that, for instance, eating with eight other people can almost double the caloric intake for the simple reason that you’re no longer paying attention to the food you’re putting in your mouth, let alone stop when you’re feeling full. No one says you should stop having dinner with family or friends; just exercise a bit more control as regards your portions.

Another reason for eating when you’re not hungry is that you’re having what your thin friend is having. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look like your thin friend, but the problem is, when you go out to eat together, you copy her eating habits. In a way you think, ‘If she can eat an entire plate of pasta and not gain an ounce, then why can’t I?’ But you’re not her, and you don’t share her metabolism or her workout schedule. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one emulating your thin friends’ eating habits. Studies show that when people’s thin dinner companions ate more, they ate more too. The next time you’re out to dinner with a slim buddy, be conscious about eating an appropriate amount of food for you, and don’t try to mirror your friend,” FitSugar recommends.

Another recommendation is to cut down the time spent in front of the television set, as studies have shown that watching food commercials makes us want to snack on something, an impulse we rarely resist. Speaking of snacks, you should also remember that “light” versions of food and beverages are not meant to serve as excuses for eating more. Instead of having a large bowl of diet ice cream, you’d be better off with just a taste of the good stuff, while also feeling more satisfied.

One last reason why you might eat when you’re not hungry is that you’re using food to deal with your emotions and stress. “Many people deal with stress, sadness, or frustration with food, but if you end up reaching for a pint of ice cream every time you’re upset, you’ll be eating way more calories than you need. Put down the spoon and call a friend, write in your journal, exercise, take a bath, or make an appointment with a therapist. Find a non-food way to deal with your emotions,” FitSugar says.