What do the Americans prefer?

Sep 29, 2007 08:05 GMT  ·  By

Any physician, dietician, or fitness instructor will tell you that two factors are necessary to look good after the age of 20: diet and exercising. But if you're a couch potato aged 40, and your life's centered around alcohol, smoking and white nights, there is one last chance: plastic surgery. Only in 2006, the Americans spent more than 3 billion dollars on nose jobs, liposuctions and botox injections. But which are the most desired plastic surgeries?

1. Junk food comes with a heavy toll: by 2015, 75 % of U.S. adults will be overweight and 41% obese while nearly 24 % of U.S. children and adolescents will be overweight or obese. Europe too is not very far away. In Sweden, one of the slimmest European nations, 50% of men and 36 % of women are overweight.

No wonder most Americans want to get slim. This is the reason why liposuction occupies the first place amongst the plastic surgeries demanded by the Americans. In 2006, they underwent 324 000 such operations, which meant a gain of $750 million for the doctors.

2. The second surgery that most US citizens want is nose remodeling (rhinoplasty), undergone by 298.000 persons. They paid for this about one billion dollars.

3. Breast augmentation scored third, with almost 291.000 interventions, for which the plastic surgeons gained almost one billion dollars. Since 2001, the number of patients for this type of surgery almost doubled.

4. About 231,000 people want no wrinkles around the eye area, so they had eyelid operations. Surgeons cashed about $ 580 million in 2006 only for this type of surgery.

5. Abdominoplasty was solicited by 135.000 Americans in 2006, at a cost of almost $ 600 million. This is the most significant increase in the market of American plastic surgery, with 115 % from 2001.

By frequency, the next surgeries would be ear remodeling and hair implant (these being demanded especially by men).