Make a woman happy!

Dec 29, 2007 08:51 GMT  ·  By

It is hard to imagine a phD researcher in the science of cunnilingus. It's even harder to believe there would be federal funded researches in the issue. And when you think that this issue can make unhappy so many thousands of couples...

In the end, the salvation comes from Internet and specialized sites, where women can pent their frustrations and take the bull by the horns. This is your salvation, dudes!

1.The tongue must be relaxed. Pointed tongues are too harsh and in fact desensitize. Use the whole face and do not be hesitant with the tongue. The chin rubbing on the vagina opening increases pleasure.

2.The licks must be smooth, steady, slow and rhythmic. Don't attack the clitoris directly, don't use the teeth (don't bite!) and make varied movements, like tongue flicks and kisses! Work rather around the clitoral area in solid motion or in circles.

3.Be vocal. Send her, while accomplishing your job, information like "I love you" or "You taste good." Some women enjoy growling, humming and moaning during the cunnilingus. But do not emit sucking noises!

Compliment her on her genitalia look. This will boost her sexual confidence.

4.Slip small pieces of ice around the clitoris and into the vaginal opening. The cold tongue also increases the sensation.

5.Detect her hot spot, stay there and finish the job! If she's moaning louder, this does not mean you have to change rhythm or technique. That means she is enjoying just what you've been doing!

6.Let her guide you. Each woman is a different universe. What was good for the former, may not be for your next. Some women like to be simultaneously played with the tip of the finger in the vagina opening, some not. Be careful with this.

7.Use the nose too! The feeling of the breath can have amazing effects.

8.Don't drool and don't shake your face, that's unpleasant!

9.Be patient. Only in porn movies women have orgasm in 1-2 minutes.

10.Enjoy it! A woman's pleasure is higher if the man is enjoying it as well!