With Carl Rinsch at the helm

Jun 1, 2009 15:05 GMT  ·  By

Not long ago, Fox Co-Chairman Tom Rothman was telling the media a new “Alien” movie was in the works, much to the delight of fans worldwide. At the time, Rothman could not offer too many details on the production but, luckily, Collider got a hold of Tony Scott, producer, director and brother of original “Alien” director Ridley, who has shed more light on the upcoming film.

Although Rothman initially said that, while it was not yet certain whether Fox would go for a sequel or an original story, it was a given fact that Ridley Scott would return to the franchise, Tony tells another story now. According to him, Ridley will be involved in some capacity or another in the film, but definitely not as a director, since that role will go to Carl Rinsch. The good news is that “Alien” will be a prequel, as this will be seen as the best approach to rebooting the once extremely successful franchise.

Tony Scott was recently at a press conference for his latest film, “The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3” and Collider approached him with the ever-burning question of the “Alien” remake and, more specifically, of whether Rinsch would take over from his brother Ridley at the helm of the film. “Yes, Carl Rinsch is going to do the prequel to Alien. He’s one of our directors at our company.” Tony revealed for the Collider.

As for the many fans who have complained on dedicated forums that Fox is perhaps not the most suitable movie studio to handle a film of this magnitude (because of its reputation of not being artist-friendly and able to bring back once popular franchise), Tony says there’s really no need to worry. Fox is financing his and Ridley’s production company and, with Rinsch being a part of the family, fans can rest assured “Alien” will not stray from the path set by the 1979 hit movie.

“I’m excited cause Ridley created the original and Carl Rinsch is one of the family.” Tony also said in the same interview. Furthermore, fans should be on the lookout for more details in the couple of months to come, since both Rinsch and the Scott brothers are eyeing a start of production for the end of the year, which means a script is already ready at hand and details on the cast should start to emerge.

Unfortunately, Tony Scott was not able to say whether the “Alien” would be ready for the summer of 2011, but do keep an eye on this space for updates on this one.