Quite a lot of special effects have been added to the PS4 and Xbox One editions

Dec 19, 2013 23:41 GMT  ·  By

The different enhancements made by Crystal Dynamics for Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition on the PS4 and Xbox One consoles won't be released for the PC "at the moment," as apparently the studio is content with bringing this version of the game just on the next-gen consoles.

Tomb Raider originally appeared for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 platforms at the beginning of the year, bringing a high-quality action adventure experience.

On the PC, it delivered the best-looking one, as it took advantage of the platform's power to use all sorts of new options, including the TressFX one that made Lara Croft's hair move more realistically.

Unfortunately for PC owners, it appears that Crystal Dynamics has made even more enhancements to the upcoming Definitive Edition of Tomb Raider, which launches next year for PS4 and Xbox One.

"The work that went into the PS4 and Xbox One versions started at the end of the X360/PS3/PC versions. They were our foundation that we then built on top of. The amount of extra work – 3 studios and a full year of development – have pushed the boundaries beyond just TressFX and upgraded textures," Crystal Dynamics' Scott Amos told fans on the forums.

"We now have a new particle system, new lighting work and enhanced shadow-casters, tons of more visual storytelling elements (more debris, more details on walls, more density in the environment for vegetation), upgraded characters (Lara and main story NPCs), and we've also put all of the DLC materials into this version for PS4/Xbox One."

According to Amos, Crystal Dynamics is happy with the current state of the PC, so these new options aren't set to appear for that edition of Tomb Raider anytime soon.

"We are very happy with the PC version we released and felt these new additions and changes were something custom just for next-gen consoles at the moment."

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is out on January 28 in North America, and January 31 in Europe.