Report says Connor Cruise is having a tough time trying to figure out who he is

Nov 14, 2011 08:24 GMT  ·  By
Connor Cruise is rebelling against dad Tom Cruise, including against Scientology
   Connor Cruise is rebelling against dad Tom Cruise, including against Scientology

Tom Cruise's 16-year-old son Connor is having a very hard time, says a new report. Raised by a very strict and almost always absent father, Connor is rebelling against everything he's been taught, including his father's religion, Scientology.

Back when he was still married to Nicole Kidman, Tom and Nicole adopted two children, Isabella and Connor, who were left in his custody after the divorce.

The latest print issue of InTouch Magazine (story via here) claims that this was the moment Connor's life took a turn for the worse: always working, Tom made sure he was raised according to his strict religious beliefs, but never really took the time to actually be a father to him.

Now, Connor is rebelling, a close friend says for the celebrity publication. For starters, he's thinking of going up against Scientology.

“He’s starting to rebel against his father and the other components in their life, maybe even Scientology. He wants to be independent, but Tom doesn’t want to give up control over his son,” says the pal.

Just recently, Connor has been photographed wearing crosses and Jesus pendants, in what can't but be an indication that he's slowly but surely breaking free from his father's cult.

“Connor has always had a difficult relationship with his parents, and it has definitely affected him. He has broken down crying about it,” the unnamed friend says of how things came to be this way.

“Tom is a very difficult man to get to know on a deep level. It’s almost like he treats Connor like a business associate rather than a son,” adds the source.

At the same time, Connor sees the way Tom is acting around Suri, his daughter to Katie Holmes, and it hurts him even more to see that she gets considerably more attention than he or Isabella ever got growing up.

The same goes for Nicole Kidman and her two daughters with Keith Urban, the same celebrity publication alleges.

Consequently, Connor is breaking free.

“Connor is at a crossroads in his life. He’s been pushing for more freedom – he wants to drive a car and date whomever he chooses” even if that means getting dad Tom mad at him, the pal says.