Gamers can learn about many weapon balance changes

Apr 10, 2014 21:41 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Respawn Entertainment and publisher Electronic Arts are delivering the second major update for Titanfall, which is designed to introduce a range of changes to the first person shooter and add the first iteration of the Private Match feature.

The official announcement from the two companies explains that, "This is the first public test of our new Private Match mode. This gives you a way to organize matches with and against your friends, for casual or tournament play. Some features are unfinished or not yet implemented, and we welcome your feedback."

The new mode supports from 2 to 12 players, with the classic two team structure and all the maps are available for use.

Gamers who choose to play a Private Match will not get any experience points, challenge progress or achievement unlocks and all the matches are still played on dedicated servers hosted by Xbox Live Cloud Compute.

Respawn promises that score limits, round time options and many other features will be added in future updates to the new feature.

Other minor changes have been made to the game to improve the player experience and a new Party app shortcut has been added in the Xbox One menus, which can be activated left trigger on the controller.

The Gooser challenge has also been modified as promised and now gamers only need five kills in order to get it.

The team explains that, "We went a bit too far with this challenge, especially considering the unique conditions that have to be met just to have the opportunity to get a kill on an ejecting Pilot. We understand some players have already completed the challenge, or have already earned more than the new requirement so we will be internally noting those players so we can recognize their accomplishments in a future game update."

The other balance changes for Titanfall include modifications to the 40mm weapon, other damage fixes and some tweaks to scoring in the various game modes.

Fans of the game should explore the entire changelong in order to make sure that they are ready to experience the shooter after the update.

Respawn has promised that it will deliver constant updates for its recently launched title in order to take into account all the feedback coming from the player community.

Titanfall is also set to get access to three downloadable content packs that will introduce new maps and new game modes.