Replace soda for something healthier to avoid weight gain

Nov 30, 2009 18:31 GMT  ·  By

Thanksgiving is over but, without a doubt, many of us will continue feeling the effects of the holiday (and of the traditional meal in particular) for many days to come. One way to cut down on calories these days without actually feeling like it is by replacing diet with flavored water that we can prepare ourselves, as FitSugar recommends.

We all know by now that juices and sodas usually come with a very high sugar content, which is why they’re often referred to as caloric bombs that deliver only empty calories. This translates into a few inches more on our waist and, of course, a decrease in health as well. To prevent that while still enjoying a sweet drink, we can learn how to make our own flavored water.

There is, of course, the possibility that we might get bored very easily by simply adding a slice of lemon in our glass of water, which is why FitSugar comes with several suggestions. If, for instance, we don’t have time to make homemade lemonade and drink it instead of water, we can add a few drops of natural juice to a bottle of water and thus make sure it gets a special, but vague flavor. The combination of lime and orange is to kill for, FitSugar promises.

“Add herbs to your water. I love putting a few sprigs of fresh mint in my H20 pitcher or even lemongrass. Add freshly cut cucumbers. This small addition really gives water a clean and refreshing taste that is ever so subtle. Add fresh sliced ginger, and you’ve made yourself a natural tummy tamer,” the same health-oriented publication further says. Luckily for us, the list of suggestions doesn’t stop here, so this means that chance of odds becoming bored is actually very slim.

“Add pickle juice to water and make your own electrolyte replacement drink. It might sound gross but it really works! For a hint of sweetness, crush up some berries or pomegranate seeds into your water. I love mixing strawberries and kiwi together. If you’re really craving soda, liven up soda water. Add a hint of flavored syrup, juice, or fresh fruit,” FitSugar also recommends.