Nov 22, 2010 20:31 GMT  ·  By
Opting for healthier, lighter variants over Thanksgiving can help us save about 1,000 calories
   Opting for healthier, lighter variants over Thanksgiving can help us save about 1,000 calories

The holiday season is nearing and, as many women must know, this could mean that all the work they put in so far to get in shape will go down the drain. Not necessarily so, InStyle says, offering tips to cut calories over Thanksgiving.

Holiday season doesn’t mean that we disconnect our brain from our stomach, experts point out for the famous women’s publication.

On the contrary, if we exercise just a bit of self control, we can have our cake and eat it: all we have to do is to pay a little attention to the options available to us – and that’s it.

For instance, instead of slurping on cocktails, no matter how tasty they may seem to us, we can always opt for a glass of wine. It’s just as tasty and has fewer calories, which means it’s kinder to our waistline.

“Holidays shouldn’t be an excuse to disconnect your brain and your stomach. Enjoy them, but eat and drink sensibly,” David Kirsch, celebrity trainer and nutritionist, says for InStyle.

By simply switching holiday cocktails for a glass of red wine, we cut about 49 calories per drink, which is no trifle if we also do the same with other “temptations” that come our way.

“Avoid sugary cocktails and go for a vodka/soda or a glass or two of red wine, drinking plenty of water in between,” Kirsch adds.

Another useful tip refers to snacks: if we replace cheese and crackers with almonds, we cut down about 141 calories per serving, while also avoiding overeating, as almonds are more filling.

“Lightly grazing plates of food at parties is part of the unconscious nature of holiday eating and it all adds up. Trick yourself into allowing the brain to kick in and make healthy choices by occupying your hands with a glass of water or wine,” Jackie Keller, celebrity wellness coach, recommends.

“If you see a cheese plate and have to put down your drink before you can pick up the food and put it in your mouth, it can be enough to make you stop and pick the right food or not eat it at all,” Keller explains for the same magazine.

Even after we sit down at the table, we continue to have a wide range of options to prevent mindless eating. For instance, by switching from dark to white meat, we save 62 calories per 7 oz. serving.

Similarly, if we choose fruit instead of marshmallow, we cut 72 calories per serving, while if he choose stuffing instead of bread, we save 351 calories per serving.

For more tips on how to save about 1,000 calories for Thanksgiving, please refer here.