Stay fit and energized for the first semester or year of college

Aug 28, 2009 17:41 GMT  ·  By
Stay fit and energized by eating well and healthy, especially in your first year of college
   Stay fit and energized by eating well and healthy, especially in your first year of college

The freshman 15 refers to the weight one gains in the first semester or year of college because of the drastic lifestyle change that moving out of the house and into the dorm or an apartment implies. Later in life, its correspondent is the office 15, as we also informed you. However, for those freshmen that are struggling with their weight, below are some very useful tips of things to do and to avoid in order to not gain more pounds, as summed up by FitSugar.

One of the most important characteristics of the life that begins with college is chaos. Students rarely find the time to sit down for three proper meals a day, and replace home-cooked foods with junk food, served at the most unusual hours. To avoid packing on weight, it’s recommended that you stick to the routine you had back home as much as possible: eat three meals a day and avoid snacks in the middle of the night, the fitness-oriented publication advises.

Snacking is OK, FitSugar says, even in the middle of the night, if you’re pulling an all-nighter or are in the habit of staying up late. However, make sure it’s just a snack and not a regular meal (that means no late night orders for pizzas or McDonalds), so pack your kitchen full with healthy snacks, like nuts, pretzels, popcorn, energy bars and plenty of fruit to avoid temptation. Steer clear of empty calories like sweets and sodas, but do drink plenty of water to avoid bloating and constipation, the same publication says.

“Pick your liquor carefully. Freshmen aren’t supposed to drink! But chances are, you will anyway. Remember: alcoholic beverages are full of empty calories, and sugary cocktails are the worst for both calories and hangovers. Control your portions. Just because you can fill your plate every time doesn’t mean you should. Familiarize yourself with what proper portions look like and stick to them.” FitSugar further recommends.

However, not everything should be about the don’ts, so here’s the good news: you should treat yourself once a day every day. Think of the one thing that gives you the most pleasure (a savory piece of chocolate cake or a whipped frapuccino) and make sure you enjoy it daily, because curbing cravings is actually the best way to avoid overeating, while also making you feel like the restrictions you set for yourself are not really that harsh.

Last but not least, “shop smart. If you live in an apartment, learn to shop for one person by choosing healthy foods that won’t go bad before you can finish them: frozen vegetables and fruit, yogurt, low-fat string cheese, and healthy frozen meals are all great options.” FitSugar explains. What with all the changes that come with the freshman year, the last thing that should trouble you is your health, so make sure that doesn’t happen.