Help your body fight the virus

Feb 17, 2009 19:31 GMT  ·  By

The cold season is usually taking its toll on our bodies, what with having to endure the low temperatures and, at the same time, muster enough strength to deal with the flu virus. More often than not, it breaks down and, as a result, we end up sick for at least 6-7 days, which is why doctors are now telling us not to wait until the virus takes control over our system and act beforehand, the moment we notice the first symptoms of the flu.

While we’ve heard this countless times before, Dr. Sofiya Takh, PhD, Certified Nutritional Consultant, PhD in Naturopathy and Dr. of Science in Natural Medicine, tells AllWomenStalk that the first step in fighting influenza is prevention, especially if we’re not in a position to take a sick leave to stay in bed and get proper treatment and care.

“It’s advisable to take some vitamin-herbal supplements on a regular basis to build up you immune system. Insufficient sunlight together with everyday stress lowers your natural ability to fight infections. There are many products on the market which can strengthen your immune system.” Dr. Takh says. 

The second step we should take in case we feel the febrile disease is settling in is to never take anything to lower the temperature. When symptoms such as headache, muscle ache, pain when moving the eyes, and skin sensitivity appear, it means that we have 2 or 3 hours until the flu fully develops. However, taking something for them to lower the body temperature, Dr. Takh maintains, is equivalent to interfering with the body’s defense mechanism.

“Elevation of your body temperature is one of your natural defense mechanism. Your body is making special substances to kill the virus. If you start taking any medication that makes you feel better by lowering your body temperature you [are] just disturbing your natural defenses and prolonging your condition for 5-6 days and more, during which your temperature will be on and off and you will have to continue [to] take medication.” Dr. Takh explains.

Instead of taking pills to help us with the aches and the temperature, we should switch to drinking fluids, the doctor argues. Drinking a cup of tea every half an hour will make us go to the bathroom more often, which, in turn, means we’re helping the body eliminate the toxins produced. Another powerful ally in the fight against the flu are homeopathic remedies, as opposed to antibiotics, Dr. Takh points out.

“Echinacea – is one of the most powerful flu fighting herbs – just get the right one. Do not take antibiotics. Flu is a viral infection – do not try to take antibiotics for it even if you have some in the house – antibiotics are not effective against viruses.” Dr. Takh underlines. With these things in mind, we should be OK for the rest of the cold season – or, at least, the closest thing to OK in case we catch the flu, Dr. Takh assures us.