Advantages of Flash Video Format

Oct 9, 2007 14:48 GMT  ·  By

Web video files are present on web pages in a small percent as compared to images and text, but due to their file size, they are responsible for a high amount of bandwidth consumption. If you want to insert video files on your web pages in order to be played by your visitors, you must optimize them for web usage.

In the case of video files, the main optimization procedure is compression. Video compression determines a small loss of video quality and the decrease of file size. If you want to obtain the best results, the original video file must have a high quality. You must try to minimize the noise or the noise sources, because the compression operation will not be optimal in the presence of a large amount of noise, conducting to larger file size.

The noise sources could be excessive camera motion, low video signal, low light and more. You can apply certain filters to minimize or remove noise using specialized software when you edit the movie. The recommended dimension for an optimal video file display in web browsers is 400x300 pixels in case of a good Internet connection. The unneeded frames should also be removed to minimize the video file size.

The codec used for compression should be selected by comparing all available codecs in order to establish the one that will deliver the best ratio quality / file size, which should be as high as possible. Flash video format (flv) has many advantages as compared to other streaming formats. Flash videos can be instantly played in any modern web browser, without an installation of other software or plugins being necessary.

Using Flash file format, the ratio quality / file size is optimal for web use in most of the cases. In other words, Flash files have a better quality and a small file size. Other advantages of Flash files are: instant video buffering, fast playback, secure video content distribution, multiple streaming options easy to implement in Actionscript and more. In conclusion, if you want to have your video optimized for web presentation, accessible and with a high quality convert them in Flash video format using an appropriate conversion software.