Carrots are perfect

Jan 27, 2009 19:21 GMT  ·  By

Working out and getting that enviable shape we’ve always been dreaming of is not as easy as they make it to be in commercials and magazines. Other than the fact that it requires lots of patience and effort in order to get the perfect results, it also needs a balanced diet, with foods that compensate for the energy we invest in physical training. This is why Vitamin A is essential, FitSugar tells us.

Heavy lifting can cause microtears in the muscular tissue, which, it is said, are essential to toning up because, as the body heals them, the muscles become stronger and better defined. This is why foods rich in protein should be consumed 15 minutes to two hours after a serious workout, allowing the body to rebuild the damaged muscle tissue. Snacks in vitamin A work in the same way.

“The snack should also be high in vitamin A because, just like the amino acids in protein, this nutrient also helps repair microtears that occur in muscles. Not only that, but vitamin A helps produce white blood cells so you can fight off infection, which is perfect if you work out in a public facility, especially during cold and flu season.” the e-zine points out. So, having a vitamin A-rich snack will aid us in the fight against the extra pounds and help us get a toned body, while also protecting us from catching the flu.

According to the same source, snacks rich in vitamin A include carrots, carrot juice, mango, dried apricots, red pepper, sweet potato, spinach and eggs. However, we must bear in mind that a snack is just what its name implies, meaning a light meal, so we should not overindulge right after training, otherwise all that work will eventually prove to have been in vain.

As far as protein-laden foods go, the range of options is wider here, as we can have any of the following: yogurt, cottage cheese, a protein bar, protein drink, or nuts. Of course, here too, moderation is the key, but the two combined will certainly pave the way to us getting in top shape.