Researchers discovered some new details on the recent attacks

Nov 9, 2011 11:20 GMT  ·  By

The Wordpress vulnerability discovered not long ago in the TimThumb plug-in seems to be making more victims.

Websense researchers discovered that most of the IP addresses they identified are located in the United States, but also, in other parts of the world.

It turns out that a traffic distribution system is behind the attack but curiously, the victim websites are all based on the same low reputation ASN, LEASEWEB LeaseWeb B.V. It also turns out that the landing page might have been changed since the final location detected revealed itself to be unavailable. This, however, doesn't necessarily mean that the cybercriminals are not in control of the compromised websites.

Wordpress exploits seem to be highly problematic for website owners as recent reports show that in the past month 35 of them were detected.