Men’s magazine turns golfer into a rapper, his apology into a hit

Feb 23, 2010 15:05 GMT  ·  By
Remixes of Tiger Woods’ apology are going viral – and are better received than the original
   Remixes of Tiger Woods’ apology are going viral – and are better received than the original

This Friday, golfer Tiger Woods made the first step towards getting back into the good graces of the public by issuing a televised public apology. In it, as we also informed you, he did everything by the book, save for showing the honesty and emotion he should have felt given the circumstances. To compensate for that, the guys at Playboy came up with the remix of his apology, as Hollywood Life can confirm.

It’s not known yet who’s behind the apology remix, let alone who put it out there but, judging on the comments of those who’ve seen it, it’s way much better than the original. As a side note, like it happened with Christian Bale and his outburst on the set of “Terminator: Salvation” and, more recently, with General Larry Platt and his “Pants on the Ground,” websites like YouTube are filled with remixes. Of the lot, this one is admittedly the best.

“The folks at Playboy are truly geniuses. We wouldn’t be surprised if Playmate – and alleged mistress #12 Loredana Jolie – was responsible for this track (OK, yeah, we would be, but it’s still catchy) mocking Tiger Woods’ Feb. 19 public apology. Check out ‘I’m Deeply Sorry (Slow Jam Remix Feat. Tiger, Spitzer, Letterman, Kobe and Sanford),’ with footage pulled from the 34-year-old golf pro’s public address, and prepare yourself for some serious foot-tapping. Although he may not be great on the sincerity front, Tiger sure makes one heck of a rapper!” Hollywood Life says.

Yet another remix that is making the rounds and getting people’s interest is the one in which Tiger Woods is made to say the things he couldn’t actually say during the press conference, and that you will also find embedded at the end of this article. Starting with blaming wife Elin for everything and uttering a very stern “You have all disappointed me” followed by an even sterner look at the camera, this remix too looks more genuine than the original, scripted apology, it’s being said.

With this, enjoy the two remixes of Woods’ now (in)famous public apology, one that, though done by the book, failed to impress the very people it should have touched: his fans. Enjoy.

“I’m Deeply Sorry (Slow Jam Remix Feat. Tiger, Spitzer, Letterman, Kobe and Sanford)”

Tiger Woods – Apology remix, what he actually wanted to say at the press conference