Sep 29, 2010 18:41 GMT  ·  By
Tiffani Thiessen talks about getting in shape after birth, says she’s not feeling pressured to be thin
   Tiffani Thiessen talks about getting in shape after birth, says she’s not feeling pressured to be thin

Actress Tiffani Thiessen gave birth to her first child nearly four months ago but she’s already almost back in her pre-pregnancy shape. Still, she doesn’t feel pressure to look a certain way.

The actress says that, though she gained a lot of weight while being pregnant and committed to getting back in shape, she’s in no real hurry.

Far be from her the thought of starving herself or doing anything that would help her drop the extra pounds at the expense of her health, so she’s just focusing on losing weight the healthy way.

For starters, she tells Us Magazine, Tiffani aims to lose all the pregnancy weight before she even starts considering having another child.

Of the 50 pounds she packed on while pregnant, she still has 20 more to go so, in order to get there and not become too bored, she and her personal trainer are changing her workout routines.

“It takes some time, but I’m doing my best. I had a really nice pregnancy. Knock on wood if we have others it’ll be the same,” the actress tells the publication.

To get back in top shape, Tiffani is working out with a personal trainer – up to five times a week, doing varied exercises, from lifting weights to running.

“I work out with my trainer here in New York, and then soon as I finish the show next week, I go back to LA and I’ll work out with my trainer there. My goal is to be back where I was at the end of the year,” the actress reveals.

Thiessen is not picky or whinny about working out, but she does have a problem when it comes to exercise: she can become bored very quickly, which means she needs to be doing new stuff all the time.

“I was a runner before and I just started running again. And I do weight training, yoga and Pilates. I mix it up because I get so bored. I like to do a variety of stuff,” says the star.

However, her dedication doesn’t mean she would kill herself to lose weight. On the contrary, she knows that the timeframe for losing the pregnancy weight in a healthy way is of one year – so she’s taking her time with it.

“Give yourself a break! Give yourself time. They say it takes a year [to get back in shape], and sometimes it does, so don’t stress about it,” says the actress.