Linux is now longer an unconquerable fortress, it's more like a nice and safe castle

Feb 18, 2014 15:57 GMT  ·  By

Windows users have a lot of misconceptions and fears about the Linux platform, but the truth is that they are completely unfounded. We'll describe three of the most common fears and the reasons why users should actually embrace them. Linux has been regarded more as a fortress than a friendly alternative to the Windows mammoth. The fact of the matter is that Linux is a lot more friendly because it has these features and Windows users would most likely find them extremely useful.

The three major fears are all about some preconceptions that are actually reminiscent of the old days of the Linux platform, when you had to call someone who knew how to perform the simplest tasks.

The number one on our list is the almighty terminal. Whenever you see a Linux user and you observe him in his natural habitat, you will eventually notice that he spends a good amount of time in the terminal.

On Linux, the terminal is your friend. On Windows, it is just something that's there and has no real application. It's just an appendix from the Dos days.

Most things that can be done on the popular Linux platforms, such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, and so on, don't require a terminal. Linux users use the terminal because it makes things a lot more transparent. For example, you don't just get some updates in a nice interface, you can actually see the packages that are being downloaded and installed.

The terminal is your friend
The terminal is your friend

The second place is the almighty Linux installer. In the old days (and in the present for Gentoo users), installing Linux was a difficult chore. It could have taken days to completely install a system.

This procedure has changed tremendously in the last few years. The installation is even easier that the one found on the Windows platform and you will be amazed at how many options you will get in the installation interface.

Linux installations are a breeze
Linux installations are a breeze

The third and final fear is the fear of compiling. You might have seen Linux users complaining that they can't install one application or another because they miss a critical dependency that would allow them to compile their own app.

If you install Linux today, you will never have to compile anything. Sure, it's nice to know how to do it, but you don't need to. Linux OSes are flexible and anyone can use them. So, stop what you're doing, keep calm and switch to Linux.

You don't need to compile anything
You don't need to compile anything

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Scare Windows user
The terminal is your friendLinux installations are a breeze