Detailed: the length stars would go to to maintain their looks

Mar 26, 2009 21:11 GMT  ·  By
Jennifer Aniston is reportedly one of the many female stars to go on a baby-food diet
   Jennifer Aniston is reportedly one of the many female stars to go on a baby-food diet

Being a celebrity, always in the spotlight, often means all imperfections and signs of old age must be dealt with and eliminated accordingly. Whereas one might think that being a successful celebrity means that one can afford the most expensive treatments, creams and lotions, history has taught us that, at times, it’s the little – and weirdest – things that can make all the difference. For instance, baby food, one’s own urine and placenta are just three of these little tricks stars use to keep up their good looks, as comprised by MeetTheFamous.

The baby-food diet is the latest Hollywood craze, with stars such as Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon reportedly being partial to it for the amazing results it has over a short period of time. It consists of just what it says, meaning, all regular food is replaced with jars of mashed apples and pears, which are free of additives and reportedly healthier than the kind of food we would find in a supermarket.

The downside to it, it has been said, is that it can also lead to explosive diarrhea, which would make it impossible for an average person (who has to go to work or school) to stick to it. It also makes the dieter feel constantly hungry, enough of a good reason to be followed only for a week or so, for a quick fix in terms of body weight.

The second weird celebrity trick consists of using one’s own urine instead of a toner. So far, only Vanessa Williams has been bold enough to admit to resorting to this “toner” to keep her face wrinkle- and acne-free, but reports have it that most female stars are no strangers to it either, even if they won’t go public with it. There’s a catch, though, since applying the “toner” whenever one wants is simply not going to work. According to the aforementioned e-zine, the treatment must be done in the wee hours of the morning, since it is then that the “toner” is most able to remove toxins from the pores and, this way, smooth wrinkles and cure acne.

Last but not least, there is the placenta face mask, which celebrities use, again, to fight any sign of old age. Eva Longoria Parker is reportedly one of the many female stars who shed $85 (EMK Placental Face Cream) for a jar of face cream made of baby placenta, which is meant to guarantee she always has a “baby-face” look. Admittedly, the formula also works wonderfully, but that does not take the weird factor out of it.