The iPod family is going to grow next year

Dec 8, 2006 14:06 GMT  ·  By

As everybody expects, next year we will see a lot of software and hardware popping up, and Apple should release the new Mac OS X, code named "Leopard", as well as the iPhone, the "iTV" device and - of course - new iPod models. I am not going to cover them all now, so I will choose the most popular of them, the iPod.

Apple Insider found out that Apple Computer hopes to bring three new iPod models on the market next year, and the source claims that the company's plans for 2007 include three distinct iPod models that should be launched at various intervals throughout the next year. These being said, I am sure you're curious about these new models' features, so let's see what is known about them already...

The first of all seems to be a video-centric model that should supplement the aging fifth-generation iPod or even replace it, but the other two models' details are hiding in the shadows at this time, it seems. I can't think about any details that we should expect from these two models, but I can hardly wait to find out more about them!

Obviously, we're talking about rumors here, so we may not see this "true video iPod" in 2007 at all, but let's not be too pessimistic, shall we? People familiar with this topic say that Steve Jobs is waiting to see the world's reaction to the new iTunes movie service and the iTV set-top box before deciding exactly what to do next. There are only several weeks until the annual Macworld gathering, and we should expect a lot of rumors in this period. If you want to check the real thing, then wait a little longer, since Macworld 2007 should show us a lot of interesting things...