This advertisement shows what the Soundmachines can accomplish

Jun 22, 2013 10:03 GMT  ·  By

Electronic music became popular as soon as the idea came out, because it allowed many people who didn't know how to play instruments satisfy their music ear.

Because of that, I'm not really shocked to see the concept of turntables being dragged to the next level.

Above is a video showing the Soundmachines made by The Product.

Three turntables, looking a lot like record players, use white light that reacts to concentric patterns in order to make music, instead of the needles normally used.

One table produces a rhythm track, one makes a higher melody and another produces a steadily rising tune.

A computer recording program does all the editing and altering, and the sound is manipulated according to how the performer moves each arm closer or further along the face of the so-called record.

Watch the video for a visual, silent walkthrough of everything.