In addition to replying to notifications, it shows the time

Jan 3, 2015 11:45 GMT  ·  By

Smartwatches are all well and good, but maybe people don't want to wear something on their wrists all the time, for whatever reason. They may have nothing against rings, however, which is why the people at Arduboy have created the Ö Bluetooth Ring.

Featuring a 64 x 32 monochrome OLED display and Bluetooth support, the device will display the time when needed, as well as relay notifications received on your phone.

It will also allow you to use the touch button to reply to notices, or at least confirm that you received them.

Furthermore, the display can display various animations and scrolling graphics, though we don't recommend you to use that function too much, lest the battery be depleted too quickly.

While the watch can indeed last for over a day in standby mode, the 40mAh lithium polymer battery will drain after four hours if you keep the OLED display active constantly.

The ring is driven by an ARM-M0 embedded microprocessor by the way, with a clock of 16 MHz and 16 KB of RAM. 256 KB of flash memory hold the firmware.

As for the body, it is completely 3D printed, complete with a compartment where all the electronics are installed.

Arduboy intends to start selling the ring at some point this year (2015).