Chromebooks tend to go into Sleep mode automatically quite frequently, if not being used

Feb 18, 2014 14:00 GMT  ·  By

If you are a Chromebook owner, you probably know it by now: your laptop will slip out of consciousness if left inactive for 6 minutes (if unplugged) or 8 minutes (if plugged).

Sadly, display settings in Chrome OS can’t be modified to allow that you keep your Chromebook awake. But the answer to the problem lies in a Chrome Extension, for example Keep Awake.

First off, you’ll need to and from there search for Keep Awake and select Free.

A pop-up will appear asking you if you want to add the “Keep Awake” extension. You’ll need to answer positively in order to install the piece of software. Once the process is done, look for a tiny moon, which should be located on your Chrome browser.

To change the display options, tap on the moon and change it into a sun, meaning the Chromebook will remain active. There’s a third option too, the setting mode, which means the display will go dark to protect battery life, but the Internet connection will remain active.