The tiny creature was born at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle nearly a month ago

May 1, 2014 13:24 GMT  ·  By
North American baby porcupine born at Woodland Park Zoo in the US on April 4
   North American baby porcupine born at Woodland Park Zoo in the US on April 4

I've had my fair share of cuteness overdoses over the past couple of years, but I have to admit that, for the moment, I am having trouble figuring out whether or not I have ever seen anything even as remotely adorable as this baby porcupine.

Zoo Borns tells us that the tiny creature resides at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, US, where it was born nearly a month ago, on April 4. Its parents are named Molly and Oliver, and the porcupette is said to be their second offspring.

The same source tells us that the baby porcupine is a female, and that it currently weighs just a little over 2 pounds (roughly 0.9 kilograms). Still, caretakers say that it has quite a lot of growing up left to do.

Despite the fact that is has been granted permission to go anywhere it pleases, the porcupette much prefers to stay hidden inside the family den and avoid curious gazes. Some say it is shy, but, if you ask me, it is just being a bit of a diva.

“I think our visitors will begin seeing her more frequently on exhibit as she becomes more active and curious,” caretaker Deanna Ramirez said. “She grooms herself a lot and is experimenting with different solid foods,” she added.