They also have all the other functions of augmented reality glasses

Jan 3, 2014 15:31 GMT  ·  By

Augmented reality glasses are eyewear you can use to play holographic virtual games, complement/supplement or even replace your mobile devices, and do a bunch of other things. Now, creating 3D scans of objects is possible too.

Elon Musk, the founder of both Space X and Tesla Motors, has demonstrated that the SpaceGlasses can be used to build a virtual model of a rockets, electric engines, and hyperloops.

Said models can then be sent to a 3D printer to turn the 3D mapped holograms into reality.

So, naturally, people around the world are now hypothesizing about using AR glasses, not necessarily the SpaceGlasses demoed here, to do the same with whatever we own or come within sight of.

The exact version of the SpaceGlasses (from Meta) used in the video embedded above is the Tesla Model S.

We might see quite a few companies and governmental agencies adopting AR technology for 3D scanning and printing purposes this year.