The guitarist claims that he and Axl Rose haven't communicated in years

Sep 5, 2014 09:18 GMT  ·  By

A couple of months ago, a rumor hit the internet that everyone's favorite rock band from the early ‘90s, Guns N' Roses (the original lineup) was in talks to reform and maybe put out new material. Fans were understandably excited as songs written by Axl Rose and Slash are still playing on the airwaves today.

However, guitarist Slash has just denied those rumors, dashing any real hope that the band was going to reform anytime soon. Axl Rose and original bassist Duff McKagan have been touring this year together, and fans saw this as a first step to the band getting back together, but that was about it.

Slash, in an interview with Guitarworld, denied the rumors that there was a reunion in the works, “People have been speculating about it for years, but I really have a hard time picturing it. There hasn’t been any communication along those lines between he (Rose) and I.”

He continued to explain why the concept was just a pipe dream, “I have a hard time picturing it, because I’m always focused on the next show. I’m one of those people who lives in the moment. I don’t look too far into the future and I don’t dwell too much on the past.”

The present is rather busy for Slash, so much so, that a Guns N' Roses reunion might very well be the last thing on his mind right now. He's currently busy touring with his band The Conspirators and he's also getting ready for the launch of their second album, “World on Fire.”