And you become a drummer....sort of

Sep 6, 2006 06:36 GMT  ·  By

Guess that each and every one of us is an innate drummer, and sometimes, when listening to a really cool drum solo by Lars Ulrich, Kirk Covington or Dave Cavalier, that drummer deep inside of us really wants to get out. And now that's quite possible wherever you might be, with the help of the iPod Digital Drumsticks from Hammacher Schlemmer.

This very cool, motion-activated device lets the user drum along with the songs from a connected iPod or any other device fitted with an audio output. The system is very easy to use, since all the wannabe drummer has to do is clip the control module to his/her belt, and then connect it to the iPod. Moreover, the device also features an extra audio output to connect it to a stereo system, so that the user will be able to share his/her drumming skills with everyone.

The iPod Digital Drumsticks measure 14 cm x 6.35 cm x 35 cm, weigh just 453 grams, and allow the user to play combinations of different drum or cymbal effects, including a snare drum, bass drum, tom, floor tom, hi-hat, and crash cymbal, but also to control the audio levels to some degree, via the volume and tempo controls. The device costs just around 30 US dollars, which - let's face it - is not quite a high price to become the coolest drummer in the gang.

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