Is the MMOG market coming to an end?

Sep 7, 2005 14:19 GMT  ·  By

IMG=1] The rapid expansion of MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Games) on the international market may have been too abrupt, at least that's what analyst Michael Patcher, who happens to be working at Wedbush Morgan Securities, claims.

His statement not only predicts the downfall of the biggest MMOG of the moment, World of Warcraft, but he also foresees the complete failure of the new Xbox 360.

His argument is a small survey piece, published in the New York Times, which states that there aren't four million subscribers, but only one million or so. The market it's pure and simple overstated. There aren't so many subscribers to keep the market alive and a lot of other MMOG's will shut down, WOW will loose probably more then 75% of his subscribers and of course Xbox 360 will fail.

Maybe there aren't four million online players, but what it's certain is that the market is growing and it's becoming more and more obvious that this is the general direction. If there's any market dying, then the single player is definitely the one...