Singer reveals faves and influences

Dec 23, 2009 15:58 GMT  ·  By

Clearly, one of the most mediated names this year has been that of Adam Lambert, the man who went from “American Idol runner-up” to the most promising young star in almost a blink of an eye – and with the help of a well-crafted debut album. For once, Adam shifts the focus from him to the artists and songs that have inspired and influenced him, in a new interview with MTV News.

Although Lambert’s taste in music is as varied as his versatile onstage personality, one immediately notes a constant with his favorites: Lady Gaga, a performer as unique and innovative as Adam himself, while also a close collaborator on his debut album (on “Fever”). Her “Bad Romance” makes Adam’s list of song of the year, though he also squeezes in there Kings of Leon’s “Use Somebody,” Pink’s “Sober” and Ke$ha’s “Tik Tok.”

Gaga also makes the cut for Lambert’s choice for album of the year. “Probably [Lady Gaga’s ‘The Fame.’] Like I said, I am so bad at favorites. I have a list of things that I love. You know what else is a great album? Miike Snow’s [self-titled debut]. That album is unbelievable. I need to learn how to pronounce it, so I can start plugging it. Is it pronounced like the Japanese director? Mai-ike? Mike? That double ‘I’ is confusing. I’m gonna start calling them Mike now,” Lambert further says.

When asked to choose his man of the year, the singer is again unsure. “I don’t know who I would say. That’s a tough question. Obama’s a good one. Tiger Woods, not so much for me?” he says. Yet, if it comes to naming the one woman who would represent 2009 for him, then that is Lady Gaga without a doubt. “I do love Lady Gaga, it’s no secret. Everyone knows that I get all obsessed over her,” he says with a smile.

While these are the artists and the music that shaped Adam Lambert’s 2009, it’s no secret that, in his turn, he has done the same for the millions of fans he has all over the world. Although his first album just came out a few weeks ago, the former American Idol favorite is already enjoying the love and support of a very loyal fanbase, as recent developments have shown.