More and more spam related to Windows 10 reaches YouTube

Jun 11, 2015 11:12 GMT  ·  By

A couple of weeks ago we told you that spam related to Windows 10 started reaching the web and users where lured into visiting various links that promised to offer them the full version of the operating system in return for completing a survey.

In the last 14 days, however, the amount of spam that landed on YouTube has skyrocketed, so a simple search on the video sharing service for the phrase “Windows 10” returns more than a dozen results supposed to trick people into believing that they are downloading the full version of the operating system.

The trick is always the same: if users want to download the alleged Windows 10 RTM ISO, they need to visit a link that asks them to complete at least one survey before getting to the actual download of the new OS.

Once they complete the survey, they receive a fake download link, which in most of the cases leads to nothing else than a preview build of Windows 10 or any other fake file.

On the other hand, because they complete the survey, the scammers receive a commission from the website hosting it, so the more victims, the more money they get.

Just report all these videos

What’s more shocking is that YouTube doesn’t seem to care about all of these, so our only option right now, of course, if we don’t want to ignore these videos completely, is to hit the report button and let the parent company know about the spam.

Luckily, YouTube would remove them at a given time, but as a general recommendation, avoid clicking on any such links because Windows 10 is only coming out on July 29, so there’s no chance to find the RTM ISO elsewhere by that date.

In the meantime, you can always download the Windows 10 preview builds and see what’s new by registering for the Windows Insider program.