From Artificial Life

Oct 10, 2005 07:06 GMT  ·  By

The Hong-Kong-based Artificial Life company has recently announced a new product aimed at 3G compatible phones: the V-Boy (virtual boyfriend) application. This project is the logical continuation of a 2004 project, V-Girl.

Virtual Girlfriend is only compatible with 3G telephony networks and it implies the interaction with a sample of artificial intelligence, portrayed by 3D animated avatars. The characters can be contacted at any time through a 3G phone, but there are a lot of chances you might interrupt the AI from different activities (since every character has a life of his/her own), such as learning, shopping, or resting.

While V-Girl had a higher addressability area, being aimed at the majority of male users, V-Boy is recommended mainly to a female audience, with ages ranging from 15 to 30 years. V-Boy will adopt the same distribution pattern as its female correspondent and will be launched in three versions. The first stage will comprise of 10 game levels and will be launched in English in this year's December.

Users will only be able to chat, any other sexual implication being out of the question! The interaction between characters and cell phone users will be carried out through SMS and MMS messages and via chat, if the phone supports a J2ME client. Several interactive icons are included in the game, which simplifies even more the communication between user and the virtual program.

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